Miami by Night was an interactive World of Darkness game based on the White Wolf Storyteller system, active from the late 90s to around 2010.

Out of a perverse sense of nostalgia, the creators and some of the old players have started playing again, some with their same characters and some with new characters. Anyone who originally played on the MUSH is more than welcome to join us. Others are welcome by invite only from existing players, to keep it under control. Not gonna lie, it’s mostly a Mage game right now and the main antagonists are Nephandi.

If you are interested, contact a staffer, current player, or join the 90s World of Darkness MUSHes Facebook group. The MUSH is not open to the general public.

Site Updates:

  • 2023/08/29 – Added In-Game News Stories up to IC April 2015. This was what was on the archive BB and includes stories from the Miami Herald and the tabloid World Examiner.
  • 2023/08/xx – Big house rules import into the Help section.