April 2014

Massacre in the House of Java     

The House of Java, once a peaceful place of gathering for Miami’s coffehouse crowd, was transformed into an abattoir on Friday, April 24th. Police are currently seeking suspects in the case, as another of the odd courtship graffiti signs was written on the ceiling of the establishment using the blood of the victims.

<IMAGE: Artist’s rendering of “All we need is Love.” graffiti on the ceiling>

According to one source at the Coroner’s office, most of the remains have now been sorted and the pieces are being used in an attempt to identify the victims. Residents who know of frequent patrons to the House of Java that are now missing are urged to contact the MDPD to assist in identification.

DNA techniques will be required in order to make positive identification in many cases, and family members are asked to gather hair- and tooth-brushes of potential victims, placing them into plastic sealable bags with the name, address, and phone number of the potential victim written using an indelible marker on the outside.

<IMAGE: Cartoon illustration of proper procedure for securing hairbrushes and toothbrushes>

Due to the condition of the victims and marks left at the scene of the crime, Park Service authorities are investigating private owners of large cats, bears, and other forms of licensed wildlife. Citizens are urged to cooperate in this investigation. Zoos and circuses in the Metro-Dade area are required to contact the Parks and Wildlife office nearest them immediately.

Whatever the cause, the scene of this heinous crime is one that this reporter will not soon forget – This is Gail Force, for the Miami Herald.

<Byline: Family members of the victims should feel free to contact the Metro-Dade MHMR or the Suicide Hotline if they are in need of assistance.>

