In Game News Stories
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Posts are categorized by news source and year/month.
Love or Hate? Graffiti has long been a recognized medium for gangs to mark their turf, often with threats against their enemies. Now, in what has become a city-wide phenomenon, it seems that one gang has invaded the turf of many others…in order to do what? To ask for Love. A strange method of courtship,…
Metro News: Illegal Racing Wednesday, February 26th, 2014 <A small article on the second page of the local section> It has been known to the local law enforcement for some time that there has been a heightened rash of street racing, but they had not been able to catch anyone. This all changed about three…
Atomic Bookstore Burned By: John J. Smith MIAMI-Police and firefighters were called to The Atomic Bookstore on Thursday afternoon when passersby reported smoke coming from the front of the building. Upon arriving at the scene the interior of the building was extinguished, fire damage leaving little of the store’s inner workings untouched. A body was…
Blood Bath in El Portal BY GEORGE WILLIAMS MIAMI–The mutilated body of an unidentified female was found in a Housman Abbey apartment in El Portal three nights ago. Police are not giving out information until the Medical Examiner’s autopsy and forensics can evaluate the crime scene. Detectives have requested anyone with information concerning this contact…
Metro News: Press Release: Beach BY: REGINA BROWN MIAMI–The city of Miami announced in a press release this morning that the Public Beach Area restoration efforts are almost completed. They declined when asked for an exact date, stating “This has not been an easy task but completion is near.” An explosion nearly two years ago…
Legendary Actress Dies BY: CECILIA THOMAS HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA–Cult B-movie actress Eva Constantine passed away at her home in Kyoto, Japan on April 13, 2011 of pneumonia. The actress, who had originally starred in many low-budget science fiction and fantasy films in America during the latter third of the 20th century, had relocated to Japan in…
Robbery At Serenity Cafe BY REGINA BROWN MIAMI, KEY BISCAYNE–Early morning the 8th of December, the cafe Serenity fell victim of what police officials call, and I quote ‘A very well planned robbery’. Two men entered the cafe just after closing time and threatened the waitress and the few remaining customers, to hand out what…
Corpse in El Portal BY REGINA BROWN MIAMI–The seedier side of town, where it seems no night is left without casualties, claimed another life. A Hispanic male was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds in a cab as the engine remained running in El Portal. Specific details have not been released by the Miami Police…
Metro News/Deaths OBITUARIES:<Insert: Photo of Slain Officer in full Dress Uniform> MIAMI–Services for Officer Nomed Lived of the Miami Police Department were held at the St. John’s Church in west Miami on Saturday, May 8, 2010. Officer Lived was the killed in the line of duty Tuesday. He is survived by his parents. Donations can…
Alligator Strikes Again BY GEORGE WILLIAMS MIAMI–An area family is agonizing over the gruesome disappearance of their daughter. The mother and child were walking on one of the primary nature trails into the Glades. Apparently, from what the officials can gather, the pair slipped off the beaten path to wash their hands in the water…