In Game News Stories
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Posts are categorized by news source and year/month.
Alligator Extends Boundary Once Again By GEORGE WILLIAMS MIAMI–Officer Riker T. Olana with the Metropolitan-Dade Department of Animal Control responded to a call at approximately 5 Tuesday morning. The Miami Police department received a call reporting an alligator attack west of the city. When he arrived at the scene, Officer Olana explained that he’d found…
Bell South Goes One Further Bell South, in an effort to make your use of their communication services easier, is releasing the new 2010 phone directory on CD-rom in addition to the age-old soft-cover phone book. A spokesperson for Bell South stated, “this is a way for us to help improve the lives and the…
Wilderness Scouts Missing MIAMI, FL — An academic field trip ends with two students missing. Miss Barbara Sullivan, a first year teacher here in Miami, took her science club members on trip to the Everglades for ‘a day in the field’ specifically to find and collect specimens of flora native to our region. The students,…
Search for Survivors Ended MIAMI – Sep 7, 2009. Authorities have called off the search for blast survivors, and two National Guard Units have been stationed in Miami Beach to assist FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) officials in their investigation. Exact numbers have not been released yet, but it is believed that the death toll…
Fire in the Sky Citizens of the Metro-Dade area were shocked awake by a tremendous blast which turned night into day and rendered the Miami Beach area into just so much piled scrap. Miami has now joined the ranks of those cities touched by the horrors of Terrorism, though never on such a scale before.…
Secret Atomic Weapons Testing! Without warning the citizens of the Florida coastline, the U.S. military, in cooperation with the British government, has been conducting secret weapons testing in the shallow waters of the Atlantic. They continue to protect their undersea experimentation going on in the Bermuda area, while simultaneously working to develop new forms of…
Extraterrestrial Broadcasts! <Artist’s Rendering of E.T. from the popular movie> Incoherent Extraterrestrial Transmissions from the stormy seas of the Sun shut off all cellphones for several hours yesterday. Experts say that these broadcasts are not like Terrestrial ones. “…not like Terrestrial transmissions…” If Alien in origin, then the minds that sent the signals must be…
Sinkhole Claims Local Gallery MIAMI — On Friday, March 27, 2009, what appears to be a sinkhole opened up in Miami Beach on 5th Street and Collins Avenue, swallowing The Rising Star’s Gallery and nearby sidewalk. The businesses on either side of the Gallery, as well as that side of the street, have been closed…
Robbery at St. John’s On Friday Dec. 12th St. John’s Church was robbed by an unknown man in his late twenties. Father Kelly, the parish priest is quoted as saying, “He is a mad man. He tied us with rope then stole a very expensive set of silver and gold used to serve the Lord’s…
FST, Inc., heads for the Big Apple MIAMI, FL — On November 10, 2008, Future Securities and Technologies, Inc. (FST), closed its doors and moved its base of operations to New York City. A spokesperson for FST stated that, “… all FST clients have been supplied with a list of financial management corporations that will…