In Game News Stories
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Posts are categorized by news source and year/month.
Smithsonian Exhibit on Display The Metro Dade Cultural Center announces a Smithsonian exhibit on the history of animals upon the Earth, now showing in the Historical Museum of South Florida. Come see the evolution of dinosaurs and man. The exhibit features three full-size and complete skeletons of different dinosaurs, various fossil exhibits, stone age tools,…
Shark attacks boy off Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. A 14-year old boy was bitten by a 8-foot hammerhead shark Friday, September 12, 2008, as he swam in the surf off Ft. Lauderdale Beach. Hospital officials said Jacob Linden was in fair condition Saturday after he received stitches for a foot-long gash in his right…
NASA Announcement — Nasa scientists announced this week that Earth will be passing through a particularly dense field of asteroids in the coming month. — Earth’s orbit about the Sun will be taking it through an asteroid field within the next few weeks. This is a semi regular occurrence that causes bright streaks in the…