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Art Creation Rollset

There are many different ways of rolling to create a piece of artwork, but some form of standardization is necessary when pieces are being judged or compared ICly. This rollset should give most PCs the best opportunity to roll the most successes and it takes into account more than just the Artistry stat. This rollset does not apply to simple sketches or other work done quickly or off the cuff.

There are three steps in this process: Design/Concept, Creation, and Determination of Final Successes.

Creation Limits:

Only one major work of art may be created per RL week using this method, although simple sketches can be done as often as you wish. Some pieces may take longer than one week, due to materials or procedures used, but that is up to the judge.

Powers Use:

Powers use may either add to the successes of the piece or lower the difficulty. Failing at powers use may raise the diff and botching at powers use may destroy the piece. 

If, through the use of powers (including raising stats), more than the maximum number of successes that could be obtained through natural means are rolled (60-70+, assuming a 10 dice pool with specializations, but it is up to the judge), there may be drawbacks to the piece such as having to make WP rolls to look away, enrapturing toreadors and those with low willpower, or drawing an unwanted amount of attention from the wrong type of people.

Prior Art:

Artwork rolled for prior to this posting stands on its own, with the original number of successes rolled. The only limitation is that if a contest is announced that requires the use of this rollset, pieces not using this rollset will be disallowed. If an artist wants to enter prior art in such a contest, the artist must re-create the artwork using this rollset.

Stats Used:

The following table lists the stats used for main creation rolls for different types of art. If what you want to do is not listed here, please work with the judge and find the closest thing. If you feel any major categories are missing, please +mail Andromeda for table updating.

Stat CombinationUse
Dex + ArtistryFine arts – paintings, drawings, sculpture, etc.
Dex + Pottery Bowls, pots, other forms of pottery or kiln-fired work.
Dex + JewelerJewelry, lapidary, small metal sculptures that need to be cast, small stone figures such as fetishes, etc.
Dex + CraftsStained glass, wreaths, models, basket weaving, decopage, dolls, glass-blowing, etc.
Dex + LeatherworkingLeather belts, masks, saddles, purses, jewelry, etc.
Dex + BlacksmithAny of the above created by forging.
Int/Wits + PhotographyArtistic photography.
Int/Wits + ComputerDigital Art.

Step 1: Design/Concept

The first step to any major work of art is design. The artist must come up with the concept, sketch it out to make sure it works, and experiment with media.

The main roll for sketches or plans would be Dexterity+Artistry, Crafts, Pottery, Jeweler, etc.; however, it can be supplemented with Wits or Intelligence + Artistry, Crafts, Expression, Jeweler, Pottery, Blacksmith, Leatherworking or other applicable stat. (See Creation of Art – Stats Used.) Those doing computer-based artwork or photography can substitute Intelligence or Wits for Dexterity and Computer or Photography for the ability.

NOTE: Artistry MUST be rolled as either the main roll or the supporting roll. No exceptions. Artistry determines your level of creativity, while the other stats merely determine your technical skill.

Difficulties for design rolls start at 6 and may go as high as 10, depending on what you are trying to create. For example, a simple portrait sketch would be six, while attempting to design a large, rotating light sculpture requiring extensive use of lasers, reflectors, and a clockwork motor would be higher.

The use of a model may decrease the difficulty by 1.

This roll can be extended as per normal extended rolling rules. The successes obtained would be for “Design”.

Step 2: Implementation

The actual rollset for implementation is based upon the type of artwork being created. See ‘Creation of Art – Stats Used’ for details.

Supplemental rolls can be Wits, Intelligence and in some cases Charisma (up to judge) + Expression or any of the other stats described in ‘Creation of Art – Stats Used’ with judge approval.

NOTE: Artistry MUST be rolled as either the main roll or the supporting roll. No exceptions. Artistry determines your level of creativity, while the other stats merely determine your technical skill.

Difficulties for creation rolls start at 6 and may go as high as 10, depending on what you are trying to create. A simple landscape oil painting would be 6, while attempting to do a full color portrait of someone on the inside of a glass bottle would be 10.

The use of a model may decrease the difficulty by 1.

Not having the proper skill can increase the diff by 1+. For example, if you do not have pottery and you’re attempting to throw a pot using crafts or artistry, the diff is +1. If you do not have blacksmithing and you’re attempting to use crafts or artistry, the diff is +2.

This roll can be extended as per normal extended rolling rules. The successes obtained are for “Creation”.

Step 3: Determine Final Successes

The final number of successes on the artwork is Design + Creation, but any OOC notes on art objects listing the number of successes must break down design/creation as well as give the total. While the end numbers are the same, there is a significant difference between a piece with 20 design successes and 10 creation successes and a piece with 10 design successes and 20 creation successes.

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