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Extended Rolling

The following system will be used for extended rolling on mundane efforts, unless a specific rollset states otherwise. 

  • 0 dots in the ability: 1 roll at a higher diff (judge determined)
  • 1 dot in the ability: Base roll +1 extension
  • 2 dots in the ability: Base roll +2 extensions
  • 3 dots in the ability: Base roll +3 extensions
  • 4 dots in the ability: Base roll +4 extensions
  • 5 dots in the ability: Base roll +5 extensions

An example: Joe Artist wants to paint a picture. He has Dex 4 and Artistry 3. He gets his base roll, then can extend that roll up to 3 more times for a maximum of 4 rolls on that particular piece.

This does NOT supercede any other rolling systems that are in place, be they House Rules or direct from White Wolf’s books (i.e.; Innovations/Technology rolls, powers use, etc.). 

Some merits and powers may give a character additional rolls above and beyond this chart, which will still be allowed. In addition, supporting rolls to lower the diff on the rollset will be allowed, where applicable. In addition, this does not necessarily apply to specific tps/scenes/contests in which a specific # of succs must be reached for a character to “win”. 

This has no affect on Contested Rolling.

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