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Thaumaturgical Path Clarifications

On the charts for the Paths Lure of Flames, Movement of the Mind, and Weather Control, “successes” should read “Path levels.” For example, a vampire with Movement of the Mind 3 can attempt to lift a 200-pound man. 

These Paths themselves are cast with the typical Willpower roll, at a difficulty equal to the LEVEL OF THE EFFECT YOU’RE TRYING TO EVOKE, +3. For example, if a vampire tries to lift 500 pounds telekinetically, he needs 1) Movement of the Mind 4 even to attempt, then 2) roll Willpower versus difficulty 7. If only 20 pounds, the difficulty is correspondingly 5. 

One success is typically needed to cast the magic, though the Storyteller can decree additional successes are needed for exceptional actions (for example, conjuring a bonfire in the shape of a pentagram, using Movement of the Mind for delicate work).

A Perception + Alertness roll is still needed to place a conjured flame at a distance from the caster (difficulty computed by standard firearms ranges). 

Oh, and the Weather Control Path’s Manipulation + Survival roll should be deleted and replaced with the standard Willpower roll; the “strength of the new environmental force” is governed by the PC’s dots in Weather Control; the lighting bolt always inflicts 10 dice of normal damage.

[ clarifications by Rob Hatch, Vampire Developer ]

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