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Music and Composing



The base roll for writing music (inc. lyrics) is Int+Music diff 6. Supporting rolls can be made to lower the difficulty of the base roll, depending on the type of composition. For example: Int+Poetry, Int+Writing or Int+Expression to represent lyrics, Int+Computer if using a computer to compose the music, etc. Extended rolling rules apply.


15 minutes OOC per roll, and multiple rolls can be made on a single day for one song. Each song/piece written must be rolled for separately, and only one song/piece can be created per RL week.


If multiple PCs are working on the same song, then each makes the rolls (although supporting rolls may be different), and the results are averaged.


Performance-related merits and flaws may not be used; however, other merits and flaws may be applicable, such as Computer Aptitude if the person is composing music on a computer.


Supernatural abilities may apply, at the judge’s discretion, although it’s best to run it by your sphere staff first before springing it on some unsuspecting judge.



The base rolls for performing music are listed below.

  • Playing Instruments: Dex+Music dif 6 (Diff may be higher at the judge’s discretion if the piece is complex or if it’s the first time the musician has seen the music.) Cha+Performance dif 6 can be used as a supporting roll.
  • Singing Only: Cha+Singing dif 6 or Cha+Music dif 6. If the player has both Singing and Music but chooses to use Music, the diff is 7. Cha+Performance dif 6 can be used as a supporting roll.
  • Same person singing and playing an instrument: The player makes rolls for both playing and singing, and the average of the two is the success rating of the song.


  • When recording, a separate roll must always be made for each song. Extended rolling rules apply, at 15 min per roll. This represents retakes, mixing, editing, etc. 
  • If a player is giving an IC concert, the player may either roll separately for each song, or roll once for the entire concert. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, and it is up to the player to decide. Unlike in a recording studio, you only get 1 shot live. As such, only 1 roll per song will be permitted.


If multiple PCs are working on the same song, then each makes the rolls (although supporting rolls may be different), and the results are averaged.


Performance-related Merits and Flaws may be used. Other Merits and Flaws may apply, at the judge’s discretion.


Supernatural abilities may apply, at the judge’s discretion, although it’s best to run it by your sphere staff first before springing it on some unsuspecting judge.


When recording an album, rolls for both composition and performance must be made, then the results averaged per song, and for the entire album. When averaging, round to the nearest integer. (i.e.; 1.4 would round to 1, while 1.5+ would round to 2.) Use the chart below as an example:

  • Song 1: 10 succs on Composition & 8 succs on Performance = 9 succs
  • Song 2: 8 succs on Composition & 4 succs on Performance = 6 succs
  • Song 3: 4 succs on Composition & 8 succs on Performance = 6 succs

Total Album = Song 1 (9) + Song 2 (6) + Song 3 (6) = 21/3 = 7 succs

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