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Blood and Using It

  1. Ghouls may spend 1 Blood Point per turn in the ways vampires can (e.g. increase physical attributes and heal damage). As living beings, Ghouls may heal normally, unlike vampires. NOTE: Ghouls may not heal Vicissitude modifications, even by spending blood, unless they have a higher level of Vicissitude than the vampire which did it.
  2. Regenerating entire limbs is possible by spending blood (1: eye/finger, 2: hand/foot, 3: limb) and a Stamina roll, diff 8. Failure means the limb can never be regrown. 
  3. Once a Ghoul’s Blood Pool reaches 5, he takes 1 Health Level of Damage for each Blood Point he loses (although these are instantly ‘cured’ as soon as he replaces the blood). After 7, rolls Stamina + Fortitude, diff of how much blood is lost (8 or 9). Failure means death. 
  4. Ghouls expend 1 Blood Point every 30 days to stay ghouled. If a ghoul loses his last vampiric Blood Point, they lose the ability to use all Ghoul abilities (including Disciplines) and aging resumes.


  1. Ghouls all have 1 point of Potence, which is inherent to being ghouled. The maximum Discipline level a Ghoul may purchase is based off their Dominator’s generation. For 13th-11th: 1, 10th-9th: 2, 8th: 3.
  2. Dominator’s Clan Disciplines may be taught up to the level he possesses.
    • TIME: First level 4 weeks, after that, 3 weeks x Current Rating. 
    • COST: 20 XP for first dot. 25 * Current Rating for further levels.
  3. Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude can be learned regardless. For any which are Clan Disciplines for the Dominator, use the above time. If not, it requires an add an additional week per level.
    • COST: 20 XP for first dot. 15 * Current Rating for further levels.
  4. Ghouls’ ability to use Disciplines ‘atrophies’ if they are deprived of vitae. After six ‘dry’ months, they lose 1 dot of their highest or least familiar Discipline (determined by the Vampire Wizard). Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude are retained the longest. 

Benefits and Liabilities

  1. Ghouls’ natural weapons, such as claws or fangs (not fingernails or teeth), cause aggravated damage. 
  2. Ghouls do not age while ghouled. By the same token, unborn children are frozen in development while the mother is still ghouled.
  3. Ghouls are susceptible to frenzy, just as vampires are, but they resist with a -3 modifier to the difficulty. 
  4. Shifters are violently allergic to vampiric vitae will immediately vomit up any they are fed. Ghouling them is effectively impossible.
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