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Rooms are created. Full system information is available by typing ‘help @dig’ in the game; however the basics will be covered here.

To create a room only: @dig RoomName

Example: @dig Living Room

To create a room and necessary exits: @dig Room Name=Exit In;alias1;alias2,Exit Out;alias1;alias2 Example: @dig Living Room=Living Room <LR>;lr;living,Out <O>;out;ou;o;leave;exit;back;return

To describe the room: From the room…. @desc here=Room Description Example: @desc here=A nice, comfy living room with a couch, coffee table, love seat, etc.

Descriptions can be up to 3900 characters, but we suggest limiting them to two or 3 paragraphs for readability. See below.

Main room descriptions should describe the general appearance and mood of the room. Please try to be vivid in your descriptions and create a mood, because that will add to any roleplay that goes on there. You do not have to go into minute detail in the main @desc, however. That’s what +views are for.

Rooms should also be named in such a way that it reflects where they are. For example, if you have a two-story house with a hallway on each floor, don’t name them both ‘Hallway’. Call one ‘Upstairs Hallway’ and one ‘Downstairs Hallway’ to differentiate.

We ask that you don’t create rooms that won’t be RPed in. For example, not much RP goes on in a closet unless you like to ICly kidnap people and lock them in said closet, so if you don’t NEED one, don’t build one. The same goes for bathrooms, staircases, pantries, etc.

You can, however, create a ‘holo-room’. This is a room that has descriptions for several rooms on it and you can pick between them. If you need a kitchen, type +kitchen in that room and the desc changes. If you need a bathroom, type +bathroom. This is outlined in the Example Room in the Building Nexus and if you have any questions, just ask Building Staff.

We also understand that not everyone can or wants to be a builder, coder or descer. If you’re having problems getting the right wording for the descs of your rooms, getting your locks to work, or just digging the room to begin with, please feel free to page or +mail any member of building staff to help.

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