Gaming System
Miami by Night is a World of Darkness MUSH.
The World of Darkness is a dark universe in which supernatural creatures not only roam the earth, but are the invisible movers and shakers behind major world events. Each supernatural type has its own battles to fight, but many times they find they must either battle other types of supernatural creatures or work with them against a common greater enemy. All the while, mortals go about their daily lives, oblivious to the world around them.
Just like most every other roleplaying system around, these systems use dice to introduce a bit of randomness into the game and to assist in the decision making process. Ten-sided dice are used and are rolled against a target difficulty, usually 2 to 9 (easy to hard). The number of dice you roll is called your ‘dice pool’ and is usually the value of an attribute added to the value of an ability. For example, if you wanted to hit someone and your dexterity is 4 and brawl is 3, you’d roll 7 dice against a difficulty of 6. For every die that is a 6 or greater, you get a success.
It varies.
The current code and most of the rules are based on 2nd edition of the major games – Mage: The Ascension, Vampire: The Masquerade, and Werewolf: The Apocalypse. There may still be some 1e stuff coded.
As this is primarily a Mage game, we are working on moving from MtA: 2nd to M20. We are skipping over most of Revised because the metaplot went in a direction that is not compatible with our Chronicle and M20 fixed a lot more than Revised did.
We have a whole set of house rules covering combat. But because we are in transition with editions, we decided to use City of Hope’s combat rules for now.