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Blood and Using It
- Ghouls may spend 1 Blood Point per turn in the ways vampires can (e.g. increase physical attributes and heal damage). As living beings, Ghouls may heal normally, unlike vampires. NOTE: Ghouls may not heal Vicissitude modifications, even by spending blood, unless they have a higher level of Vicissitude than the vampire which did it.
- Regenerating entire limbs is possible by spending blood (1: eye/finger, 2: hand/foot, 3: limb) and a Stamina roll, diff 8. Failure means the limb can never be regrown.
- Once a Ghoul’s Blood Pool reaches 5, he takes 1 Health Level of Damage for each Blood Point he loses (although these are instantly ‘cured’ as soon as he replaces the blood). After 7, rolls Stamina + Fortitude, diff of how much blood is lost (8 or 9). Failure means death.
- Ghouls expend 1 Blood Point every 30 days to stay ghouled. If a ghoul loses his last vampiric Blood Point, they lose the ability to use all Ghoul abilities (including Disciplines) and aging resumes.
- Ghouls all have 1 point of Potence, which is inherent to being ghouled. The maximum Discipline level a Ghoul may purchase is based off their Dominator’s generation. For 13th-11th: 1, 10th-9th: 2, 8th: 3.
- Dominator’s Clan Disciplines may be taught up to the level he possesses.
- TIME: First level 4 weeks, after that, 3 weeks x Current Rating.
- COST: 20 XP for first dot. 25 * Current Rating for further levels.
- Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude can be learned regardless. For any which are Clan Disciplines for the Dominator, use the above time. If not, it requires an add an additional week per level.
- COST: 20 XP for first dot. 15 * Current Rating for further levels.
- Ghouls’ ability to use Disciplines ‘atrophies’ if they are deprived of vitae. After six ‘dry’ months, they lose 1 dot of their highest or least familiar Discipline (determined by the Vampire Wizard). Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude are retained the longest.
Benefits and Liabilities
- Ghouls’ natural weapons, such as claws or fangs (not fingernails or teeth), cause aggravated damage.
- Ghouls do not age while ghouled. By the same token, unborn children are frozen in development while the mother is still ghouled.
- Ghouls are susceptible to frenzy, just as vampires are, but they resist with a -3 modifier to the difficulty.
- Shifters are violently allergic to vampiric vitae will immediately vomit up any they are fed. Ghouling them is effectively impossible.