When you add, erase or black out graffiti, it will emit your actions to the room. If you are obfuscated, it will emit “Someone” instead of your name, as taking that kind of action would break obfuscate. If you wish to use one of those commands without a room emit or you are not the owner of the room and want to erase graffiti, call a judge. There is a limit of 10 graffiti items in one room. Graffiti will be periodically erased automatically, blacked out first then oldest. Staff reserves the right to selectively remove graffiti that gives away OOC information or has gross errors.
View Graffiti in a Room
If the graffiti is in a language you know (other than English), the language will appear after the text in <<>>.
Add Graffiti to a Room
Command: +graffiti/add <location>=<text>
Ex: +graffiti/add on a mailbox=Kilroy was here!
Maximum location length is 20 characters. Please use something understandable and appropriate such as “on a mailbox”, “on the sidewalk”, “on a fence”, or “on the side of <building name>”. Do not reference objects that can be moved, such as cars.
Maximum text length is 65 characters.
The graffiti code records your name (in case of disguise), DB#, the time you wrote the graffiti, and the text. This information is stored on a global object, not the room itself, to keep players from seeing who wrote graffiti in their rooms.
Using a Different Language
Command: +graffiti/addlang <location>=<text>=<lang>
Ex: +graffiti/add on a mailbox=Kilroy was here!=Spanish
Instructions as per command above, but in a different language. The language must be one you know, must be a language able to be written (no ASL, spirit-speech, etc.), and must be spelled out fully.
Clean Graffiti
Command: +graffiti/clean <# of item as shown in +graffiti>
Staffers and the owner of a room may erase graffiti.
Black Out Graffiti
Command: +graffiti/blackout <# of item as shown in +graffiti>
Any player may black out graffiti, but it will not be erased. It will show as blacked out.