Please make sure that the things you own are an accurate reflection of your resource level. For example, don’t @create brand new Jaguars, Rolls Royces, or Lamborghinis if you only have resources 1 or 2. At Res 1 or 2, you can’t even afford the insurance on said car. If you think there’s an IC reason for you to be able to have a car like that, then contact your sphere staff and get them to judgenote it.
It may seem like we’re being anal, but we’re not. Resources is a stat like any other, and it should mean something. It’s not fair to the person that worked his/her way up from Res <whatever> to Res 4 or 5 so he/she /could/ have that spiffy Jag, if someone can just @create one at Res 1.
Also, keep in mind how odd that is… If you saw some scrungy-looking person driving a Rolls, wouldn’t you wonder? Yes, you would… and so will the IC cops.
Please be considerate to others with regards to your vehicle and please use common sense when coding it. For example:
- Motorcycles should never be set OPAQUE. You can always see who is on a motorcycle. This also applies to any topless vehicle. You cannot hide in a convertible with the top down.
- Don’t leave your cars JUMP_OK and use them to @tel around the grid in order to avoid passing people on the street or to bypass the person sitting outside your house waiting for you. If we need to add more public transportation to make it easier to maneuver around the large grid, we will.
- Don’t pick up your car and put it in your inventory before logging off. This unfairly prevents your car from being ICly affected. If you’re worried about theft, +security is available for cars the same as it is for homes. Get with your sphere staff to get that set up.
- Don’t sit in OPAQUE vehicles with the @listen on to eavesdrop on conversations going on outside the vehicle. If you’re sitting in your tinted-windowed car or in the back of your van with windows up, you’re not going to be able to hear the conversation. If the windows are down, the people speaking get a chance to notice that you’re eavesdropping.
We’ve had quite a few complaints from players who’ve been the victims of people doing the above things. If asked by a player, staff will intervene and make sure the proper rolls are made. Staff may also intervene if they notice one of the above occurrences in progress.