Waiting Periods
Mundane Stats
Without powers use or special circumstances approved by your sphere wiz, you may not raise a single mundane stat (attribute, ability, background, virtue, humanity, willpower) by more than one point in a RL week. You may, however, raise multiple stats by 1 in a RL week.
For example, you could not raise Alertness by 2 in the same RL week, but you can raise Alertness by 1 and Athletics by 1.
Also, please keep in mind that just because in theory you could raise a single stat by 1 every RL week, doesn’t mean you can. You must still have IC justification.
For powers, below, waiting periods begin when you start studying, not when you have enough XP.
Mage Sphere – Powers and Selected Backgrounds
- Arcane: Special Circumstances (Max of 3)
- Arete: 1 RL month x current level
- Avatar: Can only be purchased during a seeking.
- Awareness: 1 RL week x current level
- Destiny: Special Circumstances (Max of 3)
- Dream: Can only be purchased during a seeking.
- Spheres: Current level in RL weeks.
Shifter Sphere – Gifts
The waiting period for gifts is the level of gift in RL weeks.
Vampire Sphere – Discliplines
The waiting period for disciplines is the level you’re going to in RL weeks, plus 1 additional week if the discipline is out of clan.
A Caitiff’s first 3 disciplines (out of chargen) are considered IN CLAN, but all others are OUT OF CLAN.