House Rules
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- Big Cypress Reservation
- Descriptions
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- Identification, False
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- Raising Stats
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- Wounds
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- Art – Creation – Tattooing
- Art Creation Rollset
- Background Investigations
- Computers
- Debating
- Extended Rolling
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- Forgery
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- Music and Composing
- Pregnancy
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There is a rule in V:TM that if you botch a WP roll you lose a permanent point of WP. We are not using this rule.
Other things may still cause you to lose permanent willpower, however, as there are a number of supernatural abilities that do this.
Willpower on Miami by Night is regained automatically through our code. It is regained at the rate of 1/RL week for willpower spent one at a time. If you spend multiple WP points in a single incident (such as overcoming dominate or presence) then the first point is regained after 1 RL week and each additional point spent at the same time is regained in increments of 6 hours.
This is merely the automatic WP recovery function. If you wish to regain WP by other methods such as meditation, fulfilling your nature, or other means that the rulebooks give, feel free to get with a judge and make the necessary rolls to do so.